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Publishing and academic promotion
Dixon A K

M E D I C I N E    I N    S T A M P S

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845–1923): a light in the dark
Wong V S S, Tan S Y

E F F E C T I V E    M E D I C A L    W R I T I N G

How a submitted manuscript is processed
Peh W C G, Ng K H
Please click here to submit your answers.

O R I G I N A L    A R T I C L E S

Liposarcoma of the extremities: a review of the cases seen and managed in a major tertiary hospital in Singapore
Ng Y C S, Tan M H

Carcinoembryonic antigen screening: how far should we go?
Lim Y K, Kam M H, Eu K W

Obturator hernia: diagnosis and treatment in the modern era
Mantoo S K, Mak K, Tan T J

Role of tracheostomy in the management of foreign body airway obstruction in children
Singh J K, Vasudevan V, Bharadwaj N, Narasimhan K L

Evaluation of thyroid status of infants in the intensive care setting
Hemmati F, Pishva N

The efficacy of an enuresis alarm in monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis
Özgür B C, Özgür S, Dogan V, Örün U A

Dermatological conditions presenting at an emergency department in Singapore
Wang E, Lim B L, Than K Y

Clinical predictors of abnormal computed tomography findings in patients with altered mental status
Lim B L, Lim G H, Heng W J, Seow E

Gallstones and biliary sludge in Greek patients with complete high spinal cord injury: an ultrasonographical evaluation
Baltas C S, Balanika A P, Sgantzos M N, Papakonstantinou O, Spyridopoulos T,
Bizimi V, Tsouroulas M, Guglielmi G

An appraisal of timely magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing spinal cord compression
Wong C S, Chu Y C T, Ma K F J, Cheng L F

The interaction between physical activity and fasting on the serum lipid profile during Ramadan
Haghdoost A A, PoorRanjbar M

C A S E    R E P O R T S

Brucellosis in a Singaporean with prolonged fever
Seow C J, Barkham T, Wong P M, Lin L, Pada S K, Tan S H

Shoulder girdle lipomatosis
Sharma R, Priyadarshi R N, Seith A

Spontaneous intramural haematoma of the oesophagus: complete resolution on follow-up magnetic resonance imaging
Abbey P, Sharma R, Garg P K

Use of a large Rusch hydrostatic catheter balloon to control postpartum haemorrhage resulting from a low placental implantation
Lau M S K, Tee J C S

Auditory neuropathy: three cases among a group with sensorineural hearing loss
Mohd Khairi M D, Normastura A R, Wan Zaharah A W

Aneurysmal bone cyst of the maxilla
Tang I P, Shashinder S, Loganathan A, Anura M M, Zakarya S, Mun K S

Juxtarenal/pararenal Wilms’ tumour in a six-year-old Malay girl
Ngan K W, Shaari S, Subramaniam T

Localised retroperitoneal amyloidosis mimicking retroperitoneal fibrosis: a rare cause of obstructive uropathy
Banerji J S, Gopalakrishnan G, Sriram K, Manipadam M T

Vesicocutaneous fistula presenting as a thigh abscess
Banihani M N, Al-Azab R S, Waqfi N R, Kharashgah M N, Al Manasra A R A

Management of postoperative chyloretroperitoneum in adults
Qi J, Gu Z Q, Chen F, Zhang L, Chen J H

P I C T O R I A L    E S S A Y

Breast calcifications: which are malignant?
Muttarak M, Kongmebhol P, Sukhamwang N
Please click here to submit your answers.

B O O K    R E V I E W S

Hurst’s the Heart: Manual of Cardiology
Poh K K

Failure to Atone: The True Story of a Jungle Surgeon in Vietnam
Peh A F J

L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R    A N D    A U T H O R S’   

Four new cases of non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy in one clinic. A cause for concern?
Cullen J F, Lam M Z C

Forceful stretching of the hamstrings at what expense? Sciatic neuropathy in a child
Gündüz O H, Yagci I, Özçakar L

Misleading display of haemodynamic and respiratory parameters: frozen monitor
Garg R

Comments on: Starting a laparoscopic hepatectomy programme
Chang S K Y, Madhavan K, Lomanto D

Authors’ Reply. Comments on: Starting a laparoscopic hepatectomy programme
Ho C K, Liau K H, Chan C Y, Kow A W C

Allopurinol: a necessary evil
Lim A Y N, Teng G G

Authors’ Reply. Allopurinol: a necessary evil
Lee H Y, Ariyasinghe J T N, Thirumoorthy T

S M J    C M E    P R O G R A M M E

July 2009 answers

The Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) is published monthly and copyrighted © by the Singapore Medical Association.