Leading Article - Etiology of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage In Singapore
K K Tan
Epilepsy In Infancy
L Y Ho
Management Of Ingested Foreign Bodies
C T Chew
Tuberculous Lymphadenitis In Singapore
T H Tan
Aneurysms Are More Common Than Arteriovenous Malformations As The Cause Of Subarachnoid Haemorhage In The Malaysia Population
C P Chee, T G Loh
Epilepsy In Infancy
A K Gururaj, R Pratap Chand, K E Choo
Barium Swallow: Its Role In The Management Of An Oesophageal Foreign Body
L E Loh, S G Chee
Tuberculous Lymphadenitis In Singapore
K K Tan
The Operational Research Study For The Singapore Myocardial Infraction Register
S C Emmanuel, A T H Tan, A C Tan, H Tunstall-Pedoe, Z P Ding, T K Yeoh
A Community-Based Arthritis Survey In Singapore - A Pilot Study
M L Boey, C Lau, S C Ng, C Y Tye, W O Phoon, P H Feng
Investigations On The Relative Synthesis Of Globin Chains In Thalassaemia: A Preliminary Study In Malaysian Subjects
K Hassan, T Vijayasilan, Z Mahmood, H Abdul Hamid, Y M Chin
Heart Disease In Pregnancy: Current Trends, Clinical Presentation And Outcome Of Pregnancy In 77 Cases
T Cheng, A A Amir, M Choolani, S L Tan, D Vengadasalam, Y M Salmon
Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
E T L Ong, R Vaikunthan
Acromegaly And Cerebrovascular Accidents
K O Lee, H M Gwee, J S Cheah
Olecranon Fracture And Tension Band Wiring
C K Low, B Y Low
Comparision Of Accuracy Of Ultrasonography And Oral Cholecystography In The Diagnosis Of Cholelithiasis
J S C Tan, S G Chee, K P Tan, T K Khoo
Review Article: Transcanial Doppler In Cerebrovascular Disease
K F Tang, L M Brass, T K Tatemichi, D Duterte, R L Sacco, J P Mohr
Gingival Hyperplasia: An Intra-Oral Side Effect Of Phenytoin, Nifedipine And Cyclosporine Therapies
W Z W Yusof
Clostridium Difficile Associated Diarrhoea: A Report Of Seven Cases
N Parasakthi, S D Puthucheary, K L Goh, V Sivanesaratnam
Oxyphenisatin Induced Chronic Active Hepatitis - A Potential Health Hazard In Singapore
L B Teh, R Chong, J M S Ho, Y Y Ong
Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma And Cushing's Syndrome: A Report Of Two Cases And A Review Of The Literature
A C K Fok, A Y S Tan, A P Y Chong, P P B Yeo
Occupational Asthma From The Use Of Coal As Fuel
S C Liow
Renal Angiomyolipoma In A Family With Tuberous Sclerosis
P T Ang, Y T Lim, J S Cheah, L Tan
Hypoglycaemic Tetany - A Case Report
V Anantharaman
Acute Renal Failure, Eosinophilia, Thrombocytopenia And Exfoliative Dermatitis Associated With Captopril Therapy
K N Lai, F M M Lai, J Vallance-Owen
Acephalus Acardius Cervico-Thoracophagus Conjoined Twin - A Case Report
A S Thavarasah, C R Jayakumar
The Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) is published monthly and copyrighted © by the Singapore Medical Association.