Homicide And Mental Illness In Singapore
E H Kua, A L Ang, A F Yuan
Intra-oral Radiographs In Management of Sialolithiasis
V Cugadasan
Self-Poisoning: A Study Of Male Patients Hospitalised In A General Medical Department In One Year
Y C Chee, L H Teo
Bowel Management In Patients With Spinal Cord Lesions
P Doraisamy
Acute Intermittent Porphyria In An Indian Male Adult
S C Ng, S K Teo
Prednisolone Therapy For Lupus Anticoagulant. In B – Thalassemia Major
D Sinniah, J Bosco, K Kamaruddin
Recommendations For A Maximum Surgical Blood Ordering Schedule In Obstetrics And Gynaecology
S Arulkumaran, Y W Ong, S S Ratnam , S Y Tham, K C Lun
Torsade De Pontes And Complete Heart Block In Familial Cardiomyopathy
Arthur T H Tan, Bernard K H Ee, B L Chia
Antibiotic Susceptibility And Beta-Lactamase Production Of Faecal And Clinical Isolates Of Bacteroides Species In Singapore
T W Soong, B Ho, E H Yap
Modified Longmire's Operation For Proximal Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction
H S Goh , A Rauff, W C Foong, L Tan
Risk Factors In Stroke Patients
W L S Chew, A J Chen, K Puvenendran, E Jacob, S L Ling, G Baratham, H W Ng
Increasing Life Expectancy in Singapore During 1969 – 1981
S H Saw
Psychosocial Aspects Of Repeat Abortions In Singapore – A Preliminary Report
W F Tsoi, S S Ratnam, G E Tay
Vaginal Candidiasis In A Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic
C L Goh, T Thirumoorthy
Apical Pneumatocele In A Child
J T K Lau
Special Article: Medical Audit
W O Phoon
The Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) is published monthly and copyrighted © by the Singapore Medical Association.